–Corporate Philosophy–

私たち”GLOBAL CONNECTION”は、「国境を越えた人と人との繋がりを大切に」をコンセプトに、世界中の”より良いもの”を沢山の人々にお届けすることを目的として、ビジネスを展開しています。
商品一つひとつには物語があります。 そのアイディアは人の手により誰かを思うことから生まれ、そして人の日常に彩を与えてくれます。
私たちは、今後もまだ日本にないものを世界から提供し、世界にないものを日本から提供することで、多くのお客様へ「感動」と「驚き」をお届けしたいと考えています。 一人でも多くの人の暮らしを豊かにする小さな「CONNECTION(繋がり)」を目指して。
GLOBAL CONNECTION” is developing our business with the concept of “valuing connections among people that transcend national borders” and with the aim of delivering “good products” from all over the world to as many people as possible.
Each product has its own story.
Its idea that comes from thinking of someone else, and adds color to people’s daily lives. We would like to continue to deliver “excitement” and “surprise” to our customers by providing things from around the world that are not yet available in Japan, and things from Japan that are not yet available in the world. Aiming to be a small “CONNECTION (bond)” that enriches the lives of as many people as possible.
We aim to spread wonderful products all over the world through acting as an agent for overseas products and selling Japanese products.
Cloud Founding
We aim to spread the word about wonderful products from around the world that are still unknown, and make life more comfortable and exciting. We support crowdfunding based on our track record, setting prices, negotiating, partnering with excellent logistics companies, and supporting the achievement and promotion of transactions.